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Времена глагола Indefinite Simple и Continuous в английском языке - ответы на тесты Интуит

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Все ответы: Практический курс по временам английского глагола включает в себя изучение в теории и закрепление на практике материала в рамках групп Indefinite (Simple) и Continuous.
Выберите из предложенных вариантов точное определение слова «ГЛАГОЛ»:
(1) Глагол – это часть речи, обозначающая действия и события, происходящие с лицами или предметами, а также их состояния и отношения, выступая в предложении преимущественно в функции сказуемого.
(2) Самостоятельная часть речи, обозначающая добавочное действие при основном действии.
(3) Член предложения, обозначающий признак действия или признак другого признака.
(4) Самостоятельная часть речи, обозначающая признак действия, качества или другого признака.
(5) Член предложения, который обозначает то, что говорится о подлежащем. Отвечает на вопросы: что делает? (что делал, будет делать) предмет? Что сделал (сделает) предмет?
Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple или в Present Continuous:

– I (to read) now. – He (to work) in the centre of Chicago.

(1) – I read now. – He works in the centre of Chicago.
(2) – I read now. – He is working in the centre of Chicago.
(3) – I is reading now. – He works in the centre of Chicago.
(4) – I am reading now. – He works in the centre of Chicago.
Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в правильной форме.

– Was Jane busy when you went to see her? – Yes, she (study).

(1) Was Jane busy when you went to see her? – Yes, she was studying.
(2) Was Jane busy when you went to see her? – Yes, she is studying.
(3) Was Jane busy when you went to see her? – Yes, she studied.
(4) Was Jane busy when you went to see her? – Yes, she were studying.
Прочитайте утвердительное предложение. One fly … (to fly), two flies … . Выберите правильный вариант ниже для заполнения пропусков в предложении в Present Simple (с учетом порядка следования):
(1) flies, fly
(2) flies, flies
(3) fly, fly
(4) fly, flies
Прочитайте утвердительное предложение.

I ___ up, ___ on the TV and ___ my teeth.

Выберите правильный вариант ниже для заполнения пропусков в предложении в Past Simple (с учетом порядка следования):
(1) got, switched, brushed
(2) got, swatch, brushed
(3) got, switched, brosh
(4) goted, switch, brush
Как образуется утвердительное предложение в Future Simple? Прочитайте утвердительное предложение. I ___ at home. I ___ my friend to come home. We ___ play. Выберите правильный вариант ниже для заполнения пропусков (с учетом порядка следования).
(1) will be, will invite, will
(2) will be, will invited, will be
(3) will, will invite, will
(4) will, will invited, will
(5) will, will invite, will be
Какое начало утвердительного предложения является грамматически правильным?

… is big.

(1) He …
(2) My mother …
(3) The Sun …
(4) My brothers …
(5) My parents …
Преобразуйте предложение из Present Simple в Present Continuous

I do my morning exercises and she writes letters.

(1) I doing my morning exercises and she is writing letters.
(2) I is doing my morning exercises and she is writing letters.
(3) I am doing my morning exercises and she is writing letters.
(4) I am do my morning exercises and she is writing letters.
Составьте утвердительное предложение в Past Continuous из россыпи слов

whole / on / days / were / nights / have / and / having / next week / rest / they

(1) Days whole and nights were they having rest
(2) Whole days and nights were they having rest
(3) Were they having rest whole days and nights
(4) They were having rest whole days and nights
Составьте утвердительное предложение из россыпи слов в Future Continuous

to sunbathe / Mary / on Tuesday, / on / This time / a / in Italy / beach

(1) This time on Tuesday, Mary will be sunbath on a beach in Italy
(2) This time on Tuesday, Mary will be sunbathing on a beach in Italy
(3) This time on Tuesday, Mary is sunbathing on a beach in Italy
(4) This time on Tuesday, Mary sunbath on a beach in Italy
Отметьте все части 2-х предложений в Present Continuous.
(1) laying down
(2) isn’t
(3) standing
(4) does
(5) usually
(6) He
(7) John
(8) is
Выберите из списка предложение, включающее переходный глагол (Transitive Verb).
(1) I know this man
(2) He lived in London
(3) He worked all day long
(4) He has been singing all day
(5) He has been singing all day
Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple или в Present Continuous:

– He (to sleep) now. – You (to read) a magazine and (to think) about your holiday at the moment?

(1) – He is sleeping now. – Do you read a magazine and thinking about your holiday at the moment?
(2) – He sleeps now. – Are you reading a magazine and thinking about your holiday at the moment?
(3) – He is sleeping now. – Are you reading a magazine and thinking about your holiday at the moment?
(4) – He are sleeping now. – Is you reading a magazine and thinking about your holiday at the moment?
Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в правильной форме.

– When I (to wash) the floor, I (to find) my old toy under the sofa. – They (to drink) tea when I (to come) home.

(1) When I washed the floor, I was finding my old toy under the sofa. – They were drinking tea when I came home
(2) When I was washing the floor, I found my old toy under the sofa. – They drank tea when I came home
(3) When I was washing the floor, I found my old toy under the sofa. – They were drinking tea when I came home
(4) When I washed the floor, I found my old toy under the sofa. – They were drinking tea when I came home
Отметьте правильно составленные вопросительные предложения в Present Simple.
(1) Does he come to class late?
(2) Do she go to school every day?
(3) Do you often watch TV?
(4) Do we meet our friends every weekend?
(5) Do they dance and sing?
Отметьте правильно составленные вопросительные предложения в Past Simple.
(1) Did they water the flowers three days ago?
(2) Did Elizabeth drink coffee?
(3) My mother did a fish like?
(4) Did you speak English?
(5) Wife his rode a motorbike?
Отметьте правильно составленные вопросительные предложения (Future Simple).
(1) Will you live in a cave or in a village?
(2) Will you be sleeping on the grass?
(3) Will you eat caterpillars?
(4) Will wash you in the sea?
(5) Will you collect stamps?
Прочтите текст. Выберите правильную последовательность глаголов для подстановки в текст и заполнения пропусков с учетом порядка следования.

We … listen to the radio. I … very badly. She … swim very well. Jane … her homework after school. My cat … on a mat. It … eat fish.

(1) don’t, sleep, doesn’t, does, sleeps, doesn’t.
(2) sleep, don’t, doesn’t, sleeps, does, doesn’t.
(3) doesn’t, sleep, doesn’t, does, sleeps, doesn’t.
(4) does, doesn’t, sleep, don’t, doesn’t, sleeps.
(5) sleep, doesn’t, don’t, does, does, sleeps.
Отметьте все составные части разбросанного вопросительного предложения:
(1) she
(2) cooking
(3) is
(4) cooks
(5) cooked
(6) cook
(7) now
Отметьте правильно составленные вопросительные предложения в Past Continuous.
(1) Were they water flowers three days ago?
(2) Was Elizabeth drinking coffee?
(3) Was my mother liking fish?
(4) Were you talking with your friend?
(5) Was he look at me?
Выберите из списка правильно составленные предложения в Future Continuous:
(1) Will my uncle be staying with us this weekend?
(2) Will the boys of our team be playing tomorrow morning?
(3) Will they be watching TV from 10 pm to midnight?
(4) Will be John flying to Kenia tomorrow at this time?
Выберите из нижеперечисленных слов те, которые являются ключевыми для Present Continuous.
(1) now
(2) right now
(3) today
(4) never
(5) at present
(6) always
(7) at the moment
(8) Look!
(9) Listen!
Выберите предложение, относящееся к видовременной группе Indefinite (Simple).
(1) I am going to the shop. Я собираюсь пойти в магазин (действие как процесс)
(2) He already has this book read. Он уже прочитал эту книгу (результативность действия, совершённое действие)
(3) I go to the library every Saturday. Я хожу в библиотеку каждую субботу (действие без указания на длительность)
(4) She is reading a book. Она читает книгу (действие как процесс)
(5) We were working yesterday. Мы работали вчера (действие как процесс)
Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple или в Present Continuous:

– What you (to read) after dinner? – My mother (not to play) the piano now.

(1) – What does you read after dinner? – My mother is not playing the piano now.
(2) – What do you read after dinner? – My mother doesn't play the piano now.
(3) – What are you reading after dinner? – My mother is not playing the piano now.
(4) – What do you read after dinner? – My mother is not playing the piano now.
Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в правильной форме.

– When Henry (to walk) about in the forest, he (to find) a bear cub. – I (to read) a book at six o’clock yesterday.

(1) When Henry walked about the forest, he found a bear cub. – I was reading a book at six o’clock yesterday
(2) When Henry was walking about the forest, he found a bear cub. – I was reading a book at six o’clock yesterday
(3) When Henry was walking about the forest, he found a bear cub. – I was read a book at six o’clock yesterday
(4) When Henry was walking about the forest, he was finding a bear cub. – I was reading a book at six o’clock yesterday
Прочитайте предложение. Выберите вариант, в котором указаны верные глаголы для заполнения пропусков (Present Simple) с учетом порядка следования.

I … coffee in the morning because it is too expensive. But I … tea.

(1) don’t drink, drink
(2) drink, don’t drink
(3) am drink, drink
(4) don’t, drink
(5) not drink, drink
Прочитайте текст. Трансформируйте предложения из утвердительных в отрицательные. Выберите вариант, в котором указаны верные глаголы получившегося нового текста в Past Simple (с учетом порядка следования).

Little Ann was terrible! She ran about her room. She jumped on the table. She opened the cupboard. She threw Tom’s toys. She washed her dolls with water. She cried all the time.

(1) wasn’t, didn’t run, didn’t jump, didn’t open, didn’t throw, didn’t wash, didn’t cry
(2) was not, didn’t run, didn’t jumped, didn’t threw, didn’t washed, didn’t cried
(3) weren’t, didn’t ran, didn’t jumped, didn’t opened, didn’t threw, didn’t washed, didn’t cried
(4) wasn’t, didn’t run, didn’t jumped, didn’t opened, didn’t threw, didn’t washed, didn’t cried
(5) wasn’t, didn’t ran, didn’t jumped, didn’t opened, didn’t throw, didn’t washed, didn’t cried
Прочитайте предложение в Future Simple. Выберите вариант, в котором указаны верные глаголы для заполнения пропусков (с учетом порядка следования).

I ___ up, ___ on the TV and ___ my teeth.

(1) will not get, will not switch, will not brush
(2) will be get, will be switch, will be brush
(3) will come, will turn, will clean
(4) will be come, will be turn, will be clean
Какое начало предложения является грамматически правильным?

… was at school.

(1) My sister …
(2) My friends …
(3) My teacher …
(4) My classmates …
(5) My friend …
Выберите правильно составленные предложения в Present Continuous.
(1) He is not dreaming. He is watching TV
(2) Who is that man? I am not remembering him
(3) This radio is not working. Do you know why?
(4) Is this your book? I am not recognizing it!
(5) Is this cat drinking milk now?
Отметьте верные составленные предложения в Past Continuous
(1) Were you talking with her?
(2) Was he speaking French?
(3) Were you walk it the streets?
(4) Were you TV watch?
(5) Were you play any games?
(6) Was she singing a song?
Выберите отрицательные предложения с правильной формулировкой в Future Continuous.
(1) The singer won’t be singing songs at the concerts
(2) The professor will be teaching students next September
(3) You won't be sitting next to me at the cinema today
(4) They won’t be watering the flowers at 6 pm tomorrow
(5) My mother won’t be cooking this time tomorrow
Отметьте все составляющие утвердительного предложения в Past Continuous. Исключите лишние слова.
(1) whole
(2) a
(3) on
(4) days
(5) were
(6) nights
(7) have
(8) and
(9) having
(10) next week
(11) res
(12) they
Укажите предложение, в котором глагол стоит в 3-ем лице единственного числа.
(1) My friend is very good
(2) They are little
(3) I am at school now
(4) My grandparents are not very old
(5) The flowers are red
Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple или в Present Continuous:

– Everybody (to have) a good time now? – The baby always (to sleep) after dinner.

(1) – Is everybody having a good time now? – The baby always sleeps after dinner
(2) – Does everybody have a good time now? – The baby always sleeps after dinner
(3) – Is everybody having a good time now? – The baby is always sleeping after dinner
(4) – Are everybody having a good time now? – The baby always sleep after dinner
Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в правильной форме.

– When we (to go) to the cinema, we (to meet) grandmother. – Yesterday, at 1 o’clock I (to have) lunch at the canteen.

(1) When we were going to the cinema, we were meeting grandmother. – Yesterday, at 1 o’clock I was having lunch at the canteen
(2) When we were going to the cinema, we met grandmother. – Yesterday, at 1 o’clock I had lunch at the canteen
(3) When we were going to the cinema, we met grandmother. – Yesterday, at 1 o’clock I was having lunch at the canteen
(4) When we went to the cinema, we met grandmother. – Yesterday, at 1 o’clock I had lunch at the canteen
Прочтите текст. Выберите правильную последовательность глаголов для подстановки в текст и заполнения пропусков (с учетом порядка следования).

We … listen to the radio. I … very badly. She … swim very well. Jane … her homework after school. My cat … on a mat. It … eat fish.

(1) don’t, sleep, doesn’t, does, sleeps, doesn’t
(2) sleep, don’t, doesn’t, sleeps, does, doesn’t
(3) doesn’t, sleep, doesn’t, does, sleeps, doesn’t
(4) does, doesn’t, sleep, don’t, doesn’t, sleeps
(5) sleep, doesn’t, don’t, does, does, sleeps
Выберите вторую форму для глаголов:

listen, open, come, hear, look, watch, run, forget, forgive

(1) listened, opened, come, hearded, looked, watched, ran, forgot, forgave
(2) listened, opened, came, heard, looked, watched, run, forgoted, forgave
(3) listened, opened, came, heard, looked, watched, ran, forgot, forgave
(4) listening, opened, come, hearded, looked, watched, ran, forgot, forgave
Отметьте правильно составленные вопросительно-отрицательные предложения в Future Simple.
(1) Will she not go to the country with us tomorrow?
(2) What will you not do in the country next summer?
(3) When will you finish your homework?
(4) What will you not done tomorrow?
(5) Where will she not go tomorrow?
Выберите из предложенного списка неправильный глагол.
(1) come
(2) answer
(3) stay
(4) last
(5) work
Сформулируйте вопросительно-отрицательное предложение в Present Continuous

your sister (to talk) French with that man

(1) Aren’t your sister talking French with that man?
(2) Isn’t your sister talking French with that man?
(3) Isn’t your sister talk French with that man?
(4) Doesn't your sister talking French with that man?
Сформулируйте вопросительно-отрицательное предложение Present Continuous и впишите его в поле ввода:

you (not watch) TV at 11 o’clock last night

(1) Aren’t you watching TV at 11 o’clock last night?
(2) Wasn’t you watching TV at 11 o’clock last night?
(3) Weren’t you watch TV at 11 o’clock last night?
(4) Weren’t you watching TV at 11 o’clock last night?
Составьте утвердительное предложение. Отметьте очередность слов в предложении. Установите правильное соответствие между двумя списками:
(1) weren’t …
(2) they …
(3) practicing …
(4) the …
(5) new …
(6) school …
(7) game …
(8) after …
Отметьте слова, не вошедшие в вопросительно-отрицательное предложение в Future Continuous, представленное ниже.

___ you ___ for this company this time next year?

(1) won’t
(2) be
(3) working
(4) work
(5) not
Выберите из нижеперечисленных слов те, которые являются ключевыми для Past Continuous
(1) during the year
(2) the whole day
(3) all day long
(4) on Monday last week
(5) from five till seven o’clock
Выберите из списка ПРОСТЫЕ глаголы.
(1) to wash
(2) to run
(3) to come
(4) to come in
(5) to whitewash
Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple или в Present Continuous:

– They (not to eat) at the lesson. – He (to sleep) because he (to be) tired.

(1) – They aren't eating at the lesson. – He is sleeping because he is tired
(2) – They do not eat at the lesson. – He is sleeping because he is tired
(3) – They do not eat at the lesson. – He sleeps because he is tired
(4) – They is not eat at the lesson. – He is sleeping because he is tired
Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в правильной форме.

– I (not to play) the piano this time yesterday, I (to write) a letter to my friend. – At this time yesterday, I (to go) home.

(1) I played the piano this time yesterday, I was writing a letter to my friend. – At this time yesterday, I went home
(2) I wasn’t playing the piano this time yesterday, I was writing a letter to my friend. – At this time yesterday, I went home
(3) I played the piano this time yesterday, I wrote a letter to my friend. – At this time yesterday, I was going home
(4) I wasn’t playing the piano this time yesterday, I was writing a letter to my friend. – At this time yesterday, I was going home
Отметьте ряд слов, в котором все слова являются ключевыми для Present Simple.
(1) every day, sometimes, often
(2) every day, last year, often
(3) every day, tomorrow, yesterday
(4) every day, in the evening, in a month
(5) every day, never, the day before yesterday
Отметьте ряд слов, в котором все слова являются ключевыми для Past Simple.
(1) yesterday, the other day, 3 days ago, last week
(2) yesterday, in a month, 5 days ago
(3) the other day, in a month, in 2005
(4) yesterday, in 2015, just now
(5) yesterday, in 2015, just now
Отметьте ряд слов, в котором все слова являются ключевыми для Future Simple.
(1) tomorrow, in a month, next week, the day after tomorrow, one of these days
(2) tomorrow, in the evening, next week, the day after tomorrow, one of these days
(3) tomorrow, in a month, often, the day after tomorrow, one of these days
(4) tomorrow, in a month, next week, never, the day after tomorrow
(5) tomorrow, next week, the day after tomorrow, sometimes
Отметьте слова, являющиеся ключевыми для Past Simple.
(1) yesterday
(2) the other day
(3) 7 years ago
(4) last hour
(5) every weekend
Являются ли все нижеперечисленные слова ключевыми для Present Continuous?

now, right now, today, at present, at the moment, Look!, Listen!

(1) да
(2) нет
Являются ли все нижеперечисленные слова ключевыми для Past Continuous?

during the year, the whole day, all day long, all the time, on Monday last week

(1) да
(2) нет
Являются ли все нижеперечисленные слова ключевыми для Future Continuous?

at 5 o’clock tomorrow, from 5 till 6 tomorrow, still, the whole evening (morning) tomorrow, at this time tomorrow, while, when smb comes

(1) да
(2) нет
Верно ли составлено данное предложение в Future Continuous?

This time on Tuesday, Mary will be sunbathing on a beach in Italy.

(1) да
(2) нет
Выберите из списка НЕПРАВИЛЬНЫЕ глаголы:
(1) play – played – played
(2) speak – spoke – spoken
(3) send – sent – sent
(4) cut – cut – cut
(5) travel – travelled – travelled
Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple или в Present Continuous:

– What language they usually (to speak)? – Who (to be) your favourite opera singer?

(1) – What language are they usually speaking? – Who is your favourite opera singer?
(2) – What language do they usually speak? – Who are your favourite opera singer?
(3) – What language do they usually speak? – Who is your favourite opera singer?
(4) – What language does they usually speak? – Who is your favourite opera singer?
Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в правильной форме.

How you (break) the window? – We (play) football and the ball (hit) the window. – The old man (to think) about his plan when he (to fall) asleep

(1) How did you break the window? – We played football and the ball hit the window. – The old man was thinking about his plan when he fell asleep
(2) How did you break the window? – We were playing football and the ball hit the window. – The old man was thinking about his plan when he was felling asleep
(3) How were you breaking the window? – We were playing football and the ball hit the window. – The old man thought about his plan when he fell asleep
(4) How did you break the window? – We were playing football and the ball hit the window. – The old man was thinking about his plan when he fell asleep
Отметьте правильно сформулированное предложение в Future Simple.
(1) I am going to visit my grandma tomorrow
(2) I will going to visit my grandma tomorrow
(3) I am going visit my grandma tomorrow
(4) I will be visit my grandma tomorrow
Какое начало предложения является грамматически правильным?

… be at school.

(1) He will …
(2) My parents will …
(3) My classmates will be …
(4) Our teacher …
(5) My classmates will …
Выберите из нижеперечисленных вариантов слов те, которые являются ключевыми для Future Continuous.
(1) at 5 o’clock tomorrow
(2) by 5 o’clock tomorrow
(3) when smb comes home
(4) before smb comes home
(5) by the time smb comes home
Какую роль выполняет глагол в предложении: He speaks French.
(1) Смысловой глагол
(2) Вспомогательный глагол
(3) Глагол-связка
(4) Модальный глагол
(5) Смешанный глагол
Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple или в Present Continuous:

– Where they (to go) on Sunday? – You (to go) to school on Sunday?

(1) – Where are they going on Sunday? – Do you go to school on Sunday?
(2) – Where do they go on Sunday? – Are you going to school on Sunday?
(3) – Where do they go on Sunday? – Do you go to school on Sunday?
(4) – Where do they goes on Sunday? – Do you go to school on Sunday?
Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в правильной форме.

– I (lose) my key last night. – How you (get) into your room? – We (to listen) to an interesting lecture yesterday.

(1) I lost my key last night. – How did you get into your room? – We were listening to an interesting lecture yesterday
(2) I lost my key last night. – How were you getting into your room? – We were listening to an interesting lecture yesterday
(3) I lost my key last night. – How did you get into your room? – We listened to an interesting lecture yesterday
(4) I was loosing my key last night. – How did you get into your room? – We were listening to an interesting lecture yesterday
Отметьте слова, являющиеся ключевыми для Future Simple.
(1) tomorrow
(2) in a month
(3) next week
(4) the day after tomorrow
(5) one of these days
(6) in the morning
Образуйте вопросительное предложение в Future Continuous in the Past из списка представленных ниже слов. Отметьте слова, которые не вошли в предложение.
(1) that
(2) she
(3) said
(4) he
(5) a week
(6) not
(7) yesterday
(8) working
(9) would
(10) tomorrow
(11) be
Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple или в Present Continuous:

– We (to drink) tea every morning. – When you (to play) volleyball?

(1) – We drink tea every morning. – When do you play volleyball?
(2) – We drinks tea every morning. – When do you play volleyball?
(3) – We are drinking tea every morning. – When do you play volleyball?
(4) – We drink tea every morning. – When are you playing volleyball?
Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в правильной форме.

– When I (to go) to school the day before yesterday, I met Mike and Pete. – They (to talk) and (to laugh). – When the woman (to enter) the room, the children (to feed) the goldfish.

(1) When I went to school the day before yesterday, I met Mike and Pete. – They were talking and laughing. – When the woman entered the room, the children were feeding goldfish
(2) When I went to school the day before yesterday, I was meeting Mike and Pete. – They were talking and laughing. – When the woman entered the room, the children were feeding goldfish
(3) When I was going to school the day before yesterday, I met Mike and Pete. – They talked and laugh. – When the woman was entering the room, the children were feeding goldfish
(4) When I was going to school the day before yesterday, I met Mike and Pete. – They were talking and laughing. – When the woman entered the room, the children were feeding goldfish
Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple или в Present Continuous:

– She (to take) medicine now. – They (to go) for a walk in the evening.

(1) – She is taking medicine now. – They are going for a walk in the evening
(2) – She takes medicine now. – They is going for a walk in the evening
(3) – She are take medicine now. – They go for a walk in the evening
(4) – She is taking medicine now. – They go for a walk in the evening
Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в правильной форме.

– I (to do) my homework from five till eight yesterday. – They (to get) ready to go out when it (to begin) to rain.

(1) I was doing my homework from five till eight yesterday. – They were getting ready to go out when it was begining to rain
(2) I was doing my homework from five till eight yesterday. – They got ready to go out when it began to rain
(3) I did my homework from five till eight yesterday. – They were getting ready to go out when it began to rain
(4) I was doing my homework from five till eight yesterday. – They were getting ready to go out when it began to rain
Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple или в Present Continuous:

– What they (to eat) for breakfast? – Look! Kate (to dance).

(1) – What do they eat for breakfast? – Look! Kate is dancing
(2) – What does they eat for breakfast? – Look! Kate is dancing
(3) – What are they eating for breakfast? – Look! Kate dances
(4) – What is they eating for breakfast? – Look! Kate dance
Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в правильной форме.

– I (to play) computer yesterday. – I (to finish) my homework at nine o’clock yesterday.

(1) I played computer yesterday. – I finished my homework at nine o’clock yesterday
(2) I was playing computer yesterday. – I was finishing my homework at nine o’clock yesterday
(3) I was playing computer yesterday. – I was finishing my homework at nine o’clock yesterday
(4) I played computer yesterday. – I finished my homework at nine o’clock yesterday
Выберите из предложенных вариантов те, которые включает определение «ГЛАГОЛ»:
(1) Является частью речи.
(2) Обозначает действия и события.
(3) Выражает состояния и отношения лиц и предметов.
(4) Выступает в предложении только в роли сказуемого.
Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple или в Present Continuous:

– They (to go) to school. – What she (to talk) about right now?

(1) – They goes to school. – What is she talking about right now?
(2) – They go to school. – What is she talking about right now?
(3) – They are going to school. – What is she talking about right now?
(4) – They go to school. – What is she talks about right now?
Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в правильной форме.

– What you (do) at 10 o’clock on Sunday? – I still (sleep). – What you (to do) at 8 o’clock yesterday?

(1) What was you doing at 10 o’clock on Sunday? – I was still sleeping. – What were you doing at 8 o’clock yesterday?
(2) What were you doing at 10 o’clock on Sunday? – I was still sleeping. – What were you doing at 8 o’clock yesterday?
(3) What were you doing at 10 o’clock on Sunday? – I still slept. – What were you doing at 8 o’clock yesterday?
(4) What were you doing at 10 o’clock on Sunday? – I were still sleeping. – What were you doing at 8 o’clock yesterday?
Какое начало утвердительного предложения является грамматически правильным (Present Simple)? … is big.
(1) He …
(2) She …
(3) It …
(4) My brother …
(5) My parents …
Какое начало утвердительного предложения в Past Simple является грамматически правильным?

… was at school.

(1) My sister …
(2) My friends …
(3) My teacher …
(4) My classmates …
(5) My friend …
Какое начало утвердительного предложения в Future Simple является грамматически правильным?

… be at school.

(1) He will …
(2) My parents will …
(3) My classmates will be …
(4) Our teacher …
(5) My classmates will …
Составьте утвердительное предложение из россыпи слов и впишите правильный ответ.

he / a / small / has / beautiful / house

(1) He has a beautiful small house.
(2) Has he a beautiful small house.
(3) A beautiful small house has he.
(4) A beautiful small house he has
Отметьте все части 2-х разбросанных предложений, которые вошли в него.
(1) laying down
(2) isn’t
(3) standing
(4) does
(5) usually
(6) He
(7) John
(8) is
Отметьте все составляющие утвердительного предложения в Past Continuous. Исключите лишние слова.
(1) whole
(2) a
(3) on
(4) days
(5) were
(6) nights
(7) have
(8) and
(9) having
(10) next week
(11) rest
(12) they
Выберите все грамматически правильно сформулированные предложения в Future Continuous.
(1) She will be waiting
(2) She will be driving
(3) She will be agreeing
(4) She will be singing
(5) She will be working
Выберите правильный вариант утвердительного предложения в Present Continuous.
(1) He is washing his hands with soap
(2) Father was making a phone call
(3) I’ll be trying to sleep
(4) Excuse me, I am look for a phone box
Выберите из списка предложения, включающие непереходные глаголы.
(1) He plays badminton
(2) He died two years ago
(3) We arrived last week
(4) Where did he go?
(5) Please, buy this book for me
Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple или в Present Continuous:

– My mother (not to work) now. – Who (to make) breakfast for you now?

(1) – My mother is not working now. – Who is making breakfast for you now?
(2) – My mother does't work now. – Who is making breakfast for you now?
(3) – My mother is not working now. – Who makes breakfast for you now?
(4) – My mother aren't working now. – Who are making breakfast for you now?
Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в правильной форме.

– Your team (win) the football match yesterday? – No, the weather was very bad, so we (not play). – Father (to come) home at six o’clock yesterday.

(1) Did your team win the football match yesterday? – No, the weather was very bad, so we didn’t play. – Father came home at 6 o’clock yesterday
(2) Was your team wining the football match yesterday? – No, the weather was very bad, so we didn’t play. – Father came home at 6 o’clock yesterday
(3) Did your team win the football match yesterday? – No, the weather was very bad, so we were not playing. – Father came home at 6 o’clock yesterday
(4) Did your team win the football match yesterday? – No, the weather was very bad, so we didn’t play. – Father was caming home at 6 o’clock yesterday
Составьте вопросительное предложение из россыпи слов, предварительно поставив глагол в правильную форму (Present Simple)

afternoon / Peter / have / English / classes / every

(1) Do Peter has English classes every afternoon?
(2) Do Peter have English classes every afternoon?
(3) Does Peter has English classes every afternoon?
(4) Does Peter have English classes every afternoon?
Составьте вопросительное предложение из россыпи слов в Past Simple.

it / minutes / you / to / fifteen / get / about / there / take / did

(1) It did take you about fifteen minutes to get there?
(2) Did it take you about fifteen minutes to get there?
(3) Did it to get there take you about fifteen minutes ?
(4) It take you about fifteen minutes to get there?
Составьте вопросительное предложение в Future Simple. Внимание! В россыпи слов есть лишние слова!

will / dolphins / you / with / friends / make / making / are

(1) Will you make friends with dolphins?
(2) Will you making friends with dolphins?
(3) Will are you make friends with dolphins?
(4) Will you make friends are dolphins?
Составьте вопросительное предложение из указанных слов:


(1) In your coffee does she want sugar?
(2) Sugar does she want in your coffee?
(3) Does she want sugar in your coffee?
(4) She does want sugar in your coffee?
Выберите правильную форму глагола, раскрыв скобки (Present Continuous).

Are you (hurry) to work?

(1) Are you hurry to work?
(2) Are you hurryed to work?
(3) Are you hurrying to work?
(4) Are you hurryes to work?
Составьте из россыпи слов вопросительное предложение в Past Continuous.

to talk / friend / with / your / you

(1) Were you talking with your friend?
(2) Are you talking with your friend?
(3) Do you talking with your friend?
(4) Was you talking with your friend?
Составьте вопросительное предложение в Future Continuous, поставив глагол в правильную форму.

from / to / on / about / near / they / to watch / TV / 10 pm / midnight

(1) Will they be watching TV from 10 pm to midnight?
(2) Are they be watching TV from 10 pm to midnight?
(3) Do they be watching TV from 10 pm to midnight?
(4) Will they watching TV from 10 pm to midnight?
Выберите предложение, относящееся к видовременной группе Present Continuous.
(1) I am going to the shop. Я собираюсь пойти в магазин (действие в процессе совершения в настоящем)
(2) He already has this book read. Он уже прочитал эту книгу (результативность действия, совершённое действие)
(3) I go to the library every Saturday. Я хожу в библиотеку каждую субботу (действие без указания на длительность)
(4) She is reading a book. Она читает книгу (действие в процессе совершения в настоящем)
(5) We were working yesterday. Мы работали вчера (действие в процессе совершения в прошедшем)
Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple или в Present Continuous:

– What they (to eat) now? – I usually (to get) up at seven o’clock in the morning.

(1) – What are they eating now? – I usually get up at seven o’clock in the morning.
(2) – What do they eat now? – I am usually getting up at seven o’clock in the morning.
(3) – What is they eating now? – I usually get up at seven o’clock in the morning.
(4) – What does they eating now? – I usually gets up at seven o’clock in the morning.
Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в правильной форме.

– I (to go) to the cinema last Friday. – He (to get) up at seven o’clock yesterday.

(1) I went to the cinema last Friday. – He got up at seven o’clock yesterday
(2) I was going to the cinema last Friday. – He got up at seven o’clock yesterday
(3) I went to the cinema last Friday. – He was getting up at seven o’clock yesterday
(4) I were going to the cinema last Friday. – He got up at seven o’clock yesterday
Выберите вопросительные предложения с правильной формулировкой, на которые можно ответить:

No, he doesn’t

(1) Does he drink Cola?
(2) Is he big?
(3) Does he go to school?
(4) Does he small?
(5) Does he do his homework every evening?
Выберите вопросы с правильной формулировкой в Past Simple, на которые можно ответить: No, we didn’t.
(1) Did we go to school yesterday?
(2) Did you do your homework 2 hours ago?
(3) Did you came there?
(4) Did you was there before?
(5) Did you play any games?
Выберите вопросы с правильной формулировкой, на которые можно ответить: No, he won’t.
(1) Will he leave home at seven?
(2) Will he wrote the letter?
(3) Will he came home at nine?
(4) Will he take a bus to the institute?
(5) Will he have breakfast at eight o’clock?
Составьте утвердительное предложение из россыпи слов:

did / she / every / her / exercises / day / morning

(1) Every day she did her morning exercises
(2) She did her morning exercises every day
(3) Did she her morning exercises every day
(4) She did morning exercises her every day
Составьте вопросительное предложение из россыпи слов в Present Continuous

you / (to drink) / (to believe) / (to doubt) / it

(1) You are drinking it?
(2) Are you drinking it?
(3) It are drinking you?
(4) Is you drinking it?
Выберите вопросы с правильной формулировкой (Past Continuous)
(1) Were you having dinner at 2 o’clock?
(2) Was your sister reading when you called her?
(3) Was you going your homework at 7 o’clock at night?
(4) Was you going your homework at 7 o’clock at night?
(5) Was your parents working in the garden when you asked them to dinner?
Составьте отрицательное предложение с правильной формулировкой в Future Continuous

My mother (to answer) her friends’ letters all morning tomorrow.

(1) My mother isn't be answering her friends’ letters all morning tomorrow
(2) My mother not be answering her friends’ letters all morning tomorrow
(3) My mother won’t be answering her friends’ letters all morning tomorrow
(4) My mother won’t answering her friends’ letters all morning tomorrow
Прочитайте предложение.

I ___ a song. I ___ TV. I ___ my teeth.

Выберите правильный вариант ниже для заполнения пропусков в предложении в Past Continuous с учетом порядка следования:

(1) was singing, was watching, was brushing
(2) am singing, am washing, am brushing
(3) singing, watching, brushed
(4) sang, watched, brush
Какие глаголы пропущены в тексте (с учетом порядка предложений):

It ___ a table. The table ___ green. There ___ 3 books on the table. The books ___ white.

(1) are, is, are, are
(2) is, is, are, are
(3) are, are, is, is
(4) are, is, are, is
Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple или в Present Continuous:

– How often she (to take) medicine? – Your friend (to do) his homework now?

(1) – How often does she take medicine? – Does your friend do his homework now?
(2) – How often is she taking medicine? – Is your friend doing his homework now?
(3) – How often does she take medicine? – Is your friend doing his homework now?
(4) – How often do she take medicine? – Is your friend doing his homework now?
Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в правильной форме.

– What time Tom (come) yesterday? – He (come) while I (have) breakfast. – We (to answer) the teacher’s questions when the headmistress (to enter) the classroom.

(1) What time did Tom come home yesterday? – He was caming home while I was having breakfast. – We were answered the teacher’s questions when the headmistress entered the classroom
(2) What time did Tom come home yesterday? – He came home while I was having breakfast. – We were answering the teacher’s questions when the headmistress was entering the classroom
(3) What time was Tom coming home yesterday? – He came home while I was having breakfast. – We answered the teacher’s questions when the headmistress entered the classroom
(4) What time did Tom come home yesterday? – He came home while I was having breakfast. – We were answering the teacher’s questions when the headmistress entered the classroom
Отметьте грамматически правильно составленные предложения в Present Simple.
(1) Mary takes the dog for a walk in the evening
(2) Peter plays the piano very well
(3) Dogs doesn't like cats
(4) The sun rises in the west
(5) We go to the seaside every summer
Выберите из предложенного списка неправильный глагол.
(1) come
(2) answer
(3) stay
(4) last
(5) work
Составьте вопросительно-отрицательное предложение в Future Simple. Внимание! В россыпи слов есть лишние слова!

go / the / tomorrow / he / won’t / you / to / cinema / with / be

(1) Be he go with you to the cinema tomorrow?
(2) Won’t he be go with you to the cinema tomorrow?
(3) Won’t he go with you to the cinema tomorrow?
(4) He Won’t go with you to the cinema tomorrow?
Сформулируйте предложение из указанного набора слов:


(1) I drank some juice and felt much better
(2) I felt some juice and drank much better
(3) I drank much juice and felt some better
(4) I drank some juice and much felt better
Образуйте вопросительно-отрицательное предложение в Present Continuous из списка представленных ниже слов. Отметьте слова, которые не вошли в предложение.
(1) your
(2) French
(3) sister
(4) that
(5) talking
(6) talk
(7) aren’t
(8) isn’t
(9) with
(10) man
Образуйте вопросительно-отрицательное предложение Present Continuous из списка представленных ниже слов. Отметьте слова, которые вошли в предложение.
(1) weren’t
(2) they
(3) practicing
(4) the
(5) on
(6) new
(7) a
(8) school
(9) next week
(10) game
(11) after
Отметьте слова, пропущенные в вопросительно-отрицательном предложении в Future Continuous.

___ you ___ for this company this time next year?

(1) won’t
(2) be
(3) working
(4) work
(5) not
Выберите из списка ПРОИЗВОДНЫЕ глаголы.
(1) to take
(2) to wash
(3) to simplify
(4) to organize
(5) to separate
Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple или в Present Continuous:

– Where they (to go) now? – His father (not to watch) TV at the moment.

(1) – Where are they going now? – His father is not watching TV at the moment
(2) – Where do they go now? – His father is not watching TV at the moment
(3) – Where do they go now? – His father doesn't watch TV at the moment
(4) – Where are they going now? – His father doesn't watch TV at the moment
Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в правильной форме.

He (not to sleep) when father came home. – He (to do) his homework. – When I (to visit) my friends in Denmark, I (to buy) two presents for my family

(1) He wasn’t sleeping when father came home. – He was doing his homework. – When I was visiting my friends in Denmark, I bought two presents for my family
(2) He slept when father was caing home. – He was doing his homework. – When I was visiting my friends in Denmark, I bought two presents for my family
(3) He wasn’t sleeping when father came home. – He was doing his homework. – When I visited my friends in Denmark, I bought two presents for my family
(4) He wasn’t sleeping when father came home. – He was doing his homework. – When I was visiting my friends in Denmark, I was buying two presents for my family
Отметьте слова, являющиеся ключевыми для Present Simple
(1) sometimes
(2) never
(3) often
(4) in a day
(5) in the morning
Отметьте слова, являющиеся ключевыми для Past Simple.
(1) yesterday
(2) the other day
(3) 7 years ago
(4) last hour
(5) every weekend
Отметьте слова, являющиеся ключевыми для Future Simple.
(1) tomorrow
(2) in a month
(3) next week
(4) the day after tomorrow
(5) one of these days
(6) in the morning
Трансформируйте предложение в Past Simple с ключевым словом yesterday.

I want to buy this computer.

(1) I does buy this computer yesterday
(2) I did buy this computer yesterday
(3) I buyed this computer yesterday
(4) I bought this computer yesterday
Выберите из нижеперечисленных слов те, которые являются ключевыми для Present Continuous.
(1) now
(2) right now
(3) today
(4) never
(5) at present
(6) always
(7) at the moment
(8) Look!
(9) Listen!
Выберите из нижеперечисленных слов те, которые являются ключевыми для Past Continuous.
(1) during the year
(2) the whole day
(3) all day long
(4) on Monday last week
(5) from five till seven o’clock
Выберите из нижеперечисленных вариантов слов те, которые являются ключевыми для Future Continuous.
(1) at 5 o’clock tomorrow
(2) by 5 o’clock tomorrow
(3) when smb comes home
(4) before smb comes home
(5) by the time smb comes home
Выберите из списка правильно составленные предложения в Future Continuous:
(1) Will my uncle be staying with us this weekend?
(2) Will the boys of our team be playing tomorrow morning?
(3) Will they be watching TV from 10 pm to midnight?
(4) Will be John flying to Kenia tomorrow at this time?
Выберите из списка ПРАВИЛЬНЫЕ глаголы:
(1) cancel – cancelled – cancelled
(2) work– worked – worked
(3) play – played – played
(4) give – gave – given
(5) meet – met – met
Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple или в Present Continuous:

– They (to speak) English now? – You (to go) to the opera with your friends?

(1) – Do they speak English now? – Do you go to the opera with your friends?
(2) – Are they speaking English now? – Do you go to the opera with your friends?
(3) – Are they speaking English now? – Does you go to the opera with your friends?
(4) – Is they speaking English now? – Does you go to the opera with your friends?
Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в правильной форме.

– That morning, I (decide) to walk to my office. – When I (to play) in the yard, I suddenly (to see) my old friend

(1) That morning, I was deciding to walk to my office. – When I was playing in the yard, I suddenly saw my old friend
(2) That morning, I decided to walk to my office. – When I was playing in the yard, I suddenly saw my old friend
(3) That morning, I decided to walk to my office. – When I played in the yard, I suddenly saw my old friend
(4) That morning, I decided to walk to my office. – When I was playing in the yard, I suddenly was seeing my old friend
Отметьте правильно составленные предложения в Future Simple.
(1) Is he going to visit our grandma tomorrow?
(2) Are you going to visit your grandma last week?
(3) Will they visit their grandma next month?
(4) Won’t he to visit his grandma tomorrow?
Составьте 2 утвердительных предложения из россыпи слов. Обратите внимание на слова, написанные с большой буквы.

Amy’s / fourteen / his / birthday / next / brother / He / on / be / will / thirteen / is

(1) Amy’s brother is thirteen. Will he be fourteen on his next birthday
(2) Brother Amy’s is thirteen. He will be fourteen on his next birthday
(3) Amy’s brother will be thirteen. He is fourteen on his next birthday
(4) Amy’s brother is thirteen. He will be fourteen on his next birthday
Выберите из нижеперечисленных вариантов слов те, которые не являются ключевыми для Future Continuous.
(1) at 5 o’clock tomorrow
(2) by 5 o’clock tomorrow
(3) when smb comes home
(4) before smb comes home
(5) by the time smb comes home
Какую роль выполняет глагол to be в предложении: He is an doctor.
(1) Смысловой глагол
(2) Вспомогательный глагол
(3) Глагол-связка
(4) Модальный глагол
(5) Смешанный глагол
Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple или в Present Continuous:

– You (to work) every day? – They (to play) in the street now.

(1) – Are you working every day? – Do they play in the street now?
(2) – Does you work every day? – Does they play in the street now?
(3) – Does you work every day? – Do they play in the street now?
(4) – Do you work every day? – Do they play in the street now?
Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в правильной форме.

– When I (to come) to my friend’s place, he (to watch) TV. – You (to sleep) when I (to go) out.

(1) When I came to my friend’s place, he was watching TV. – You slept sleeping when I was going out
(2) When I came to my friend’s place, he was watching TV. – You slept when I went out
(3) When I came to my friend’s place, he was watching TV. – You were sleeping when I went out
(4) When I was coming to my friend’s place, he watched TV. – You were sleeping when I went out
Отметьте правильно составленные предложения.
(1) Am I going visit my grandma tomorrow?
(2) Are you going to visit your grandma next week?
(3) Will they visit their grandma next month?
(4) Won’t he gone to visit his grandma tomorrow?
Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple или в Present Continuous:

– I (not to sleep) now. – My father (not to work) on Sunday.

(1) – I am not sleeping now. – My father is working on Sunday
(2) – I is not sleeping now. – My father works on Sunday
(3) – I am not sleeping now. – My father works on Sunday
(4) – I don't sleep now. – My father works on Sunday
Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в правильной форме.

– How fast you (drive) when the police (stop) you? – I don’t know exactly but I (not drive) very fast. – He (to read) on the sofa when I (to come) in and (to sit) down beside him.

(1) How fast did you drive when the police stopped you? – I don’t know exactly but I wasn’t driving very fast. – He was reading on the sofa when I came in and sat down beside him
(2) How fast were you driving when the police stopped you? – I don’t know exactly but I wasn’t driving very fast. – He was reading on the sofa when I came in and sat down beside him
(3) How fast were you driving when the police stopped you? – I don’t know exactly but I didn't drive very fast. – He was reading on the sofa when I came in and sat down beside him
(4) How fast were you driving when the police stopped you? – I don’t know exactly but I wasn’t driving very fast. – He read on the sofa when I came in and sat down beside him
Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple или в Present Continuous:

– Everybody (to have) a good time every Saturday. – He (to go) to the cinema in the evening?

(1) – Everybody having a good time every Saturday. – Does he go to the cinema in the evening
(2) – Everybody have a good time every Saturday. – Is he going to the cinema in the evening
(3) – Everybody have a good time every Saturday. – Does he go to the cinema in the evening
(4) – Everybody have a good time every Saturday. – Do he go to the cinema in the evening
Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в правильной форме.

– When we were in the country last summer, I (to go) to the woods one day. – In the woods, I (to find) a little fox cub. – She (to play) the flute at four o’clock yesterday.

(1) When we were in the country last summer, I was going to the woods one day. – In the woods, I found a little fox cub. – She was playing the flute at four o’clock yesterday
(2) When we were in the country last summer, I went to the woods one day. – In the woods, I found a little fox cub. – She was playing the flute at four o’clock yesterday
(3) When we were in the country last summer, I went to the woods one day. – In the woods, I was finding a little fox cub. – She played the flute at four o’clock yesterday
(4) When we were in the country last summer, I was going the woods one day. – In the woods, I found a little fox cub. – She played the flute at four o’clock yesterday
Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple или в Present Continuous:

– He (to help) his father now. – They usually (to go) to the river for a swim

(1) – He is helping his father now. – They are usually going to the river for a swim
(2) – He is helps his father now. – They are usually going to the river for a swim
(3) – He helps his father now. – They usually go to the river for a swim
(4) – He is helping his father now. – They usually go to the river for a swim
Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в правильной форме.

– You (see) Jenny last night? – Yes, she (wear) a very nice jacket. – I (to walk) along the street with my friend when a tram (to pass).

(1) Did you see Jenny last night? – Yes, she was wearing a very nice jacket. – I was walking along the street with my friend when a tram was passing
(2) Did you see Jenny last night? – Yes, she wore a very nice jacket. – I walked along the street with my friend when a tram passed
(3) Were you seeing Jenny last night? – Yes, she wore a very nice jacket. – I was walking along the street with my friend when a tram passed
(4) Did you see Jenny last night? – Yes, she was wearing a very nice jacket. – I was walking along the street with my friend when a tram passed
Отметьте ложные высказывания о понятии «ГЛАГОЛ» из нижеперечисленных:
(1) Является частью речи.
(2) Обозначает действия или события.
(3) Выражает состояния и отношения лиц или предметов.
(4) Выступает в предложении только в роли сказуемого.
(5) Обозначает признак действия или признак другого признака.
Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple или в Present Continuous:

– She (not to drink) coffee now. – They (to be) good dancers but they (not to go) to discos very often.

(1) – She is not drinking coffee now. – They are good dancers but they do not go to discos very often.
(2) – She are not drinking coffee now. – They are good dancers but they do not go to discos very often.
(3) – She is not drinking coffee now. – They are good dancers but they aren't going to discos very often.
(4) – She doesn't drinking coffee now. – They are good dancers but they do not go to discos very often.
Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в правильной форме.

– Yesterday I (get) up at 6. – When he (to come) in, I (to do) my exercises.

(1) Yesterday I was getting up at 6. – When he came in, I was did my exercises
(2) Yesterday I got up at 6. – When he was caming in in, I did my exercises
(3) Yesterday I was getting up at 6. – When he came in, I was doing my exercises
(4) Yesterday I got up at 6. – When he came in, I was doing my exercises
Сопоставьте левую и правую части утвердительного предложения в Present Simple.
(1) He …
(2) Sometimes we …
(3) I often do …
(4) They are …
(5) She speaks …
Сопоставьте левую и правую части утвердительного предложения.
(1) I had …
(2) I had breakfast at …
(3) I took a bus to …
(4) It took me …
(5) Classes began …
Установите правильное соответствие между двумя списками:
(1) Lucy was born in 1995. …
(2) It’s sunny today. …
(3) Rob is nine. …
(4) Mum, the bus is late.
(5) This month is May. …
Составьте вопросительное предложение из указанных слов:

John/like/Chinese food/does

(1) Does John Chenese food like?
(2) Does John like Chinese food?
(3) John does like Chinese food?
(4) Does like John Chinese food?
Можно ли составить правильное предложение из всех (!) перечисленных ниже слов в Present Continuous.

laying down / isn’t / standing. / does / usually / He / John / is

(1) да
(2) нет
Являются ли все нижеперечисленные слова составляющими одного предложения в Past Continuous?

whole / a/ on / days / were / nights / have / and / having / next week / rest / they

(1) да
(2) нет
Верно ли составлено данное предложение?

This time on Tuesday, Mary will be sunbathing on a beach in Italy.

(1) да
(2) нет
Отметьте все составные части разбросанного вопросительного предложения в Present Continuous:
(1) she
(2) cooking
(3) is
(4) cooks
(5) cooked
(6) cook
(7) now
Заполните пропуски в предложении верными формами глагола to be (с учетом порядка предложений):

It ___ a table. The table ___ green. There ___ 3 books on the table. The books ___ white.

(1) are, is, are, are
(2) is, is, are, are
(3) are, are, is, is
(4) are, is, are, is
Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple или в Present Continuous:

– I (to take) my sister to school now. – I (to take) her to school every day.

(1) – I take my sister to school now. – I take her to school every day
(2) – I am taking my sister to school now. – I take her to school every day
(3) – I take my sister to school now. – I am taking her to school every day
(4) – I am taking my sister to school now. – I takes her to school every day
Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в правильной форме.

– When Tom (to cross) the street, he (to fall). – He (to walk) along the river when a boat (to pass).

(1) When Tom was crossing the street, he fell. – He was walking along the river when a boat was passing
(2) When Tom was crossing the street, he fell. – He walked along the river when a boat passed
(3) When Tom was crossing the street, he fell. – He was walking along the river when a boat passed
(4) When Tom crossed the street, he fell. – He was walking along the river when a boat passed
Отметьте предложения, структура которых соответствует правильно составленному вопросительному предложению в Present Simple.
(1) Are you interested in sport?
(2) Isn’t it a big house?
(3) Are go we home?
(4) His wife a lawyer?
(5) Why are you late?
Выберите из списка правильные глаголы.
(1) come
(2) answer
(3) stay
(4) last
(5) work
Прочитайте предложения в Future Simple. Выберите вариант ответа с перечислением правильных глаголов, для заполнения пропусков (с учетом порядка следования).

___ you ___ home at the beginning of December? ___ your brother ___ a letter to his friend in America? ___ we ___ our exam next week?

(1) won’t, go, won’t, write, won’t, pass
(2) won't, goes, won't, write, won't, pass
(3) won’t, go, write, won’t, won’t, pass
(4) won’t, go, won’t, write, pass, won’t
(5) won’t, write, won’t, pass, won’t, go
Укажите недостающие формы глаголов (I или II форму).

come, read, forget, was, dreamt, watch

(1) came, readed, forgotten, be, dreamed, watched
(2) came, read, forgotten, be, dreamed, watch
(3) came, reads, forgotten, were, dreamed, watched
(4) came, read, forgotten, be, dream, watched
Образуйте предложение в Present Continuous из списка представленных ниже слов. Отметьте только те слова, которые вошли в предложение.
(1) your
(2) French
(3) sister
(4) that
(5) talking
(6) talk
(7) aren’t
(8) isn’t
(9) with
(10) man
Образуйте предложение Present Continuous из списка представленных ниже слов. Отметьте слова, которые не вошли в предложение.
(1) weren’t
(2) they
(3) practicing
(4) the
(5) on
(6) new
(7) a
(8) school
(9) next week
(10) game
(11) after
Отметьте правильные выражения, представленные в Future Continuous.
(1) won’t be studying?
(2) wasn’t getting?
(3) won’t be playing?
(4) won’t be playing?
(5) won’t be having?
Выберите из списка СЛОЖНЫЕ глаголы.
(1) to sidestep
(2) to out-fox
(3) to fall for
(4) to wise up
(5) to care
Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple или в Present Continuous:

– They (to go) to school every morning. – The children (to eat) soup now?

(1) – They go to school every morning. – Do the children eat soup now?
(2) – They go to school every morning. – Does the children eating soup now?
(3) – They goes to school every morning. – Is the children eating soup now?
(4) – They go to school every morning. – Are the children eating soup now?
Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в правильной форме.

When I (to open) the door, the cat (to sit) on the table. – When the teacher (to open) the door of the classroom, the pupils (to sit) at their desks

(1) When I was opening the door, the cat was sitting on the table. – When the teacher opened the door of the classroom, the pupils were sitting on their desks
(2) When I opened the door, the cat was sitting on the table. – When the teacher was opening the door of the classroom, the pupils were sitting on their desks
(3) When I opened the door, the cat was sitting on the table. – When the teacher opened the door of the classroom, the pupils were sitting on their desks
(4) When I was opening the door, the cat was sitting on the table. – When the teacher opened the door of the classroom, the pupils were sitting on their desks
Являются ли все нижеперечисленные слова ключевыми для Present Simple?

sometimes, often, never, in a month, in the evening

(1) да
(2) нет
Являются ли все нижеперечисленные слова ключевыми для Past Simple?

yesterday, the other day, 3 days ago, last week

(1) да
(2) нет
Являются ли все нижеперечисленные слова ключевыми для Future Simple?

tomorrow, on the morning, next week, the day after tomorrow, one of these days

(1) да
(2) нет
Какое слово в предложении является лишним?

I bought this computer last yesterday.

(1) this
(2) last
(3) yesterday
(4) computer
Выберите ряд слов, в котором все слова являются ключевыми для Present Continuous.
(1) now, today, at the moment, Look!, Listen!
(2) now, today, in a moment, Look!, Listen!
(3) now, in a day, Look!, Listen!
(4) now, at the moment, yesterday, Look!, Listen!
(5) now, two days ago, at the moment, Look!, Listen!
Выберите из нижеперечисленных слов те, которые не являются ключевыми для Past Continuous.
(1) during the year
(2) right now
(3) all day long
(4) Look!
(5) from five till seven o’clock
Выберите из нижеперечисленных вариантов слов те, которые не являются ключевыми для Future Continuous.
(1) at 5 o’clock tomorrow
(2) by 5 o’clock tomorrow
(3) when smb comes home
(4) before smb comes home
(5) by the time smb comes home
Составьте вопросительное предложение в Future Continuous, поставив глагол в правильную форму. Внимание! В россыпи слов есть лишние слова!

from / to / on / about / near / they / to watch / TV / 10 pm / midnight

(1) Will they watching TV from 10 pm to midnight?
(2) Will they be watching TV near 10 pm to midnight?
(3) Will they be watching TV on 10 pm to midnight?
(4) Will they be watching TV from 10 pm to midnight?
Выберите из списка СМЕШАННЫЕ глаголы:
(1) show – showed – shown
(2) saw – sowed – sawn
(3) mow – mowed – mown
(4) fly – flew – flown
(5) fly – flew – flown
Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple или в Present Continuous:

– He (to sleep) every day. – He (to deliver) furniture now?

(1) – He is sleeping every day. – Is he delivering furniture now?
(2) – He sleeps every day. – Is he delivering furniture now?
(3) – He sleeps every day. – Does he deliver furniture now?
(4) – He sleep every day. – Are he delivering furniture now?
Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в правильной форме.

– When I (to see) my friends, they (to play) football. – When it (to start) raining, we (to bathe) in the river

(1) When I saw my friends, they were playing football. – When it started raining, we were bathing in the river
(2) When I was seeing my friends, they were playing football. – When it started raining, we were bathing in the river
(3) When I was seeing my friends, they played football. – When it started raining, we were bathing in the river
(4) When I saw my friends, they were playing football. – When it was starting raining, we were bathing in the river
Являются ли все перечисленные конструкции выражением будущего времени?

Will, will not, won’t, to be going to, shall, shan’t.

(1) да
(2) нет
Составьте вопросительное предложение. Внимание! В россыпи слов есть лишние слова!

will / dolphins / you / with / friends / make / making / are

(1) Will you make friends with dolphins?
(2) Make you will friends with dolphins?
(3) You will make friends with dolphins?
(4) Will you make friends dolphins with?
Сопоставьте (установите правильное соответствие) между предложениями и типами глагола, который они содержат.
(1) She is working now
(2) He works as a teacher
(3) The window was> dirty
Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple или в Present Continuous:

– She (to play) the violin every day. – I often (to read).

(1) – She is playing violin every day. – I often read.
(2) – She plays violin every day. – I am often reading.
(3) – She plays violin every day. – I often read.
(4) – She plays violin every day. – I am often reading.
Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в правильной форме.

I (to do) my homework the whole evening yesterday. – When I (to enter) the classroom, the teacher (to write) words on the blackboard and the pupils (to copy) them into their exercise books

(1) I was doing my homework the whole evening yesterday. – When I entered the classroom, the teacher was writing words on the blackboard and the pupils were copying them into their exercise books
(2) I did my homework the whole evening yesterday. – When I entered the classroom, the teacher was writing words on the blackboard and the pupils were copying them into their exercise books
(3) I was doing my homework the whole evening yesterday. – When I entered the classroom, the teacher wrote words on the blackboard and the pupils were copying them into their exercise books
(4) I did my homework the whole evening yesterday. – When I entered the classroom, the teacher was writing words on the blackboard and the pupils were copying them into their exercise books
Выберите все варианты, с помощью которых можно описать будущее время Future Simple.
(1) tomorrow
(2) to be going to
(3) next week
(4) last Sunday
(5) one of these days
(6) on the morning
Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple или в Present Continuous:

– What you (to do) now? – When you (to listen) to the news on the radio?

(1) – What is you doing now? – When do you listens to the news on the radio?
(2) – What are you doing now? – When do you listen to the news on the radio?
(3) – What do you do now? – When do you listen to the news on the radio?
(4) – What are you doing now? – When are you listening to the news on the radio?
Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в правильной форме.

– When we (to walk) about in the forest, we (to see) a hare. – She (to fall) asleep at seven o’clock yesterday.

(1) When we were walking about the forest, we were seeing a hare. – She fell asleep at seven o’clock yesterday
(2) When we were walking about the forest, we saw a hare. – She was falling asleep at seven o’clock yesterday
(3) When we were walking about the forest, we saw a hare. – She fell asleep at seven o’clock yesterday
(4) When we walked the forest, we saw a hare. – She fell asleep at seven o’clock yesterday
Прочитайте вопросительные предложения. Выберите вариант ответа с правильным перечислением глаголов, для заполнения пропусков (Present Simple) с учетом порядка следования.

… he … TV?

… your father … horror films?

… your parents … to the cinema?

(1) Does…watch, Does…like, Do…go
(2) Does…watches, Does…likes, Do…go
(3) Do…watches, Do…likes, Do…go
(4) Do…watch, Do…like, Do…go
(5) Does…watch, Does…like, Does…go
Прочитайте вопросительные предложения. Выберите варианты ответа с правильным перечислением глаголов, для заполнения пропусков в Past Simple (с учетом порядка следования).

Did you ___ some CDs last night? Did the car ___ opposite the house? Did you ___ TV last night? Did James ___ Greek before the exam? Did Peter and Ann ___ to Turkey last summer?

(1) listen, stop, watch, study, travel
(2) listent, stoppt, don’t watch, doesn’t study, travelt
(3) listened, stoppt, didn’t watch, didn’t study, travelled
(4) listened, stopped, didn’t watch, doesn’t study, travelled
(5) listent, stopped, didn’t watch, didn’t study, travelled
Прочитайте предложения в Future Simple. Выберите вариант ответа с правильным перечислением глаголов, для заполнения пропусков (с учетом порядка следования).

… all the family … at home on Sunday?

What … they … at home or in the yard?

Who … … after dinner?

(1) will, be, will, do, will, come
(2) will be, – , will do, – , will come, –
(3) – , will be, – , will do, – , will come
(4) will not, be, will, not do, won’t, come
(5) won’t be, – , won’t do, – , won’t come, –
Отметьте слова, являющиеся ключевыми для Present Simple.
(1) sometimes
(2) never
(3) next morning
(4) in a day
(5) in the morning
Сколько глаголов в представленном ниже предложении:

Are they playing football and basketball?

(1) 3 глагола
(2) 2 глагола
(3) 4 глагола
(4) Ни одного глагола
Составьте предложение из представленного ниже списка слов в Past Continuous. Определите лишнее слово и отметьте его в списке.
(1) was
(2) coffee
(3) in a day
(4) Elizabeth
(5) drinking
Составьте вопросительное предложение в Future Continuous, поставив глагол в правильную форму.

tomorrow / John / to / to fly / at this time / in Kenia / to Kenia

(1) Is John be flying to Kenia tomorrow at this time?
(2) Will John flying to Kenia tomorrow at this time?
(3) Does John be flying to Kenia tomorrow at this time?
(4) Will John be flying to Kenia tomorrow at this time?
Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple или в Present Continuous:

– What your brother (to drink) in the evening? – They (to read) many books.

(1) – What do your brother drink in the evening? – They reads many books.
(2) – What does your brother drink in the evening? – They are reading many books.
(3) – What does your brother drink in the evening? – They read many books.
(4) – What is your brother drinking in the evening? – They read many books.
Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в правильной форме.

– When grandmother (to go) home, she (to see) many children in the yard. – She (to look) out of the window when I (to see) her.

(1) When grandmother was going home, she saw many children in the yard. – She was looking out of the window when I saw her.
(2) When grandmother went home, she saw many children in the yard. – She was looking out of the window when I saw her.
(3) When grandmother was going home, she was seing many children in the yard. – She looked out of the window when I saw her.
(4) When grandmother was going home, she saw many children in the yard. – She was looking out of the window when I was seing her.
Сопоставьте подходящие по смыслу вопросы и ответы.
(1) What don’t you like?
(2) Can he swim?
(3) Is it spring now?
(4) Have you got a dog?
Установите правильное соответствие между двумя списками:
(1) The first lesson …
(2) Nick didn’t go …
(3) I didn’t go to …
(4) Weren’t your parents …
Раскройте глаголы, употребив их в соответствующей форме.

___ you ___ to my place next Sunday? What ___ you ___ tomorrow? Where ___ you ___ next summer? (come, do, go)

(1) Are you come to my place next Sunday? Would will you do tomorrow? Where will you go next summer?
(2) Will you come to my place next Sunday? What will you do tomorrow? Where will you go next summer?
(3) Would you come to my place next Sunday? Would will you do tomorrow? Where will you go next summer?
(4) Were you came to my place next Sunday? What will you did tomorrow? Where will you go next summer?
Выберите вопросы с правильной формулировкой, на которые можно ответить: No, we didn’t.
(1) Did we go to school yesterday?
(2) Did you do your homework 2 hours ago?
(3) Did you came there?
(4) Did you was there before?
(5) Did you play any games?
Преобразуйте предложение в вопросительное (Present Continuous), предварительно раскрыв скобки.

you (to sit) on a bench in the park and (to feed) birds

(1) Is you sitting on a bench in the park and feeding birds?
(2) Are you sitting on a bench in the park and feeding birds?
(3) Are you sit on a bench in the park and feeding birds?
(4) Do you sitting on a bench in the park and feeding birds?
Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в Past Continuous.

We (not to read) these new magazines at this time yesterday, but we (to watch) the new film.

(1) We wasn’t reading these new magazines at this time yesterday, but we were watching the new film.
(2) We weren’t reading these new magazines at this time yesterday, but we were watching the new film.
(3) We isn't reading these new magazines at this time yesterday, but we were watching the new film.
(4) We didn't reading these new magazines at this time yesterday, but we were watching the new film.
Установите правильное соответствие между двумя списками:
(1) We can’t meet you at …
(2) My mother won’t be answering …
(3) He won’t be booking …
(4) They won’t be …
Отметьте правильно составленные вопросительные предложения в Past Continuous.
(1) Were they water flowers three days ago?
(2) Was Elizabeth drinking coffee?
(3) Was my mother liking fish?
(4) Were you talking with your friend?
(5) Was he look at me?
Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple или в Present Continuous:

– She (not to drink) coffee after lunch. – What Nick (to do) in the evening?

(1) – She does not drink coffee after lunch. – What does Nick do in the evening?
(2) – She is not drinking coffee after lunch. – What does Nick do in the evening?
(3) – She do not drink coffee after lunch. – What does Nick do in the evening?
(4) – She does not drink coffee after lunch. – What are Nick doing in the evening?
Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в правильной форме.

– I (not want) to go by bus to my office yesterday because the sun (shine) brightly and the birds (sing) merrily. – When Nick (to run) about in the yard, he (to fall).

(1) I didn’t want to go by bus to my office yesterday because the sun was shining brightly and the birds were singing merrily. – When Nick was running about the yard, he fell
(2) I wasn't wanting to go by bus to my office yesterday because the sun was shining brightly and the birds were singing merrily. – When Nick was running about the yard, he fell
(3) I didn’t want to go by bus to my office yesterday because the sun shone brightly and the birds sang merrily. – When Nick was running about the yard, he fell
(4) I didn’t want to go by bus to my office yesterday because the sun was shining brightly and the birds were singing merrily. – When Nick ran about the yard, he fell
Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple или в Present Continuous:

– What your brother (to drink) now? – We (not to dance) every day.

(1) – What do your brother drink now? – We do not dance every day
(2) – What does your brother drink now? – We do not dance every day
(3) – What does your brother drink now? – We aren't dancing every day
(4) – What is your brother drink now? – We does not dance every day
Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в правильной форме.

– I (to do) my homework at six o’clock yesterday. – Father (to watch) TV at ten o’clock yesterday.

(1) I was doing my homework at six o’clock yesterday. – Father watched TV at ten o’clock yesterday
(2) I did my homework at six o’clock yesterday. – Father watched TV at ten o’clock yesterday
(3) I was doing my homework at six o’clock yesterday. – Father was watching TV at ten o’clock yesterday
(4) I were doing my homework at six o’clock yesterday. – Father was watching TV at ten o’clock yesterday
Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple или в Present Continuous:

– I (not to sleep) in the daytime. – They (to do) their homework in the afternoon.

(1) – I is not sleeping in the daytime. – They do their homework in the afternoon
(2) – I do not sleep in the daytime. – They are doing their homework in the afternoon
(3) – I do not sleep in the daytime. – They do their homework in the afternoon
(4) – I am not sleeping in the daytime. – They do their homework in the afternoon
Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в правильной форме.

– What you (do) when the phone (ring)? – I (watch) television. – I (to play) the piano at five o’clock yesterday.

(1) What were you doing when the phone rang? – I was watching television. – I was playing the piano at five o’clock yesterday
(2) What did you do when the phone rang? – I watched television. – I played the piano at five o’clock yesterday
(3) What did you do when the phone rang? – I wwatched television. – I was playing the piano at five o’clock yesterday
(4) What were you doing when the phone rang? – I was watching television. – I was played the piano at five o’clock yesterday
Составьте утвердительное предложение из россыпи слов

he / a / has / nice small / house

(1) Has he a nice small house
(2) He has a nice small house
(3) Has he a small house nice
(4) He has a small house nice
Составьте утвердительное предложение в Past Simple из россыпи слов.

did / she / every / her / exercises / morning

(1) Did she her exercises every morning
(2) Every she did her exercises morning
(3) She did her exercises every morning
(4) She her did exercises every morning
Верно ли составлено данное предложение в Future Simple?

They will go to the party

(1) да
(2) нет
Прочитайте предложения. Выберите вариант ответа с правильным перечислением глаголов, для заполнения пропусков с учетом порядка следования.

… your father … TV?

… your parents … horror films?

… your friend … to the cinema?

(1) Does…watch, Do…like, Does…go.
(2) Does…watches, Does…likes, Do…go.
(3) Do…watches, Do…likes, Do…go.
(4) Do…watch, Do…like, Do…go.
(5) Does…watch, Does…like, Does…go.
Выберите правильный вариант утвердительного предложения в Present Continuous.
(1) He is washing his hands with soap
(2) Father was making a phone call
(3) I’ll be trying to sleep
(4) Excuse me, I looking for a phone box
Прочитайте предложение.

I ___ a song. I ___ TV. I ___ my teeth.

Выберите правильный вариант ниже для заполнения пропусков в предложении (Past Continuous) с учетом порядка следования:
(1) was singing, was watching, was brushing
(2) am singing, am washing, am brushing
(3) singing, watching, brushed
(4) sang, watched, brush
Сколько глаголов в представленном ниже предложении:

Are they playing football and basketball?

(1) 3 глагола
(2) 2 глагола
(3) 4 глагола
(4) Ни одного глагола
Отметьте верно составленные вопросительные предложения в Present Simple
(1) Do you do morning exercises?
(2) Do he work at a factory?
(3) Does she sleeps after dinner?
(4) Do we work part-time?
(5) Be Mike a student?
(6) Has Helen a car?
(7) Are you good friends?
(8) Am it difficult to remember everything?
Отметьте верные вопросительные предложения в Past Simple.
(1) Did you talk about your holiday?
(2) Did he show you his things?
(3) Did you walked it the streets?
(4) Did you TV watch?
(5) Did any play you games?
(6) Did you knock at his door?
Отметьте верные предложения в Future Simple.
(1) Will you do morning exercises?
(2) Will he work at a factory?
(3) Will we to work part-time?
(4) Will be he a student?
(5) Will she after dinner sleep?
Отметьте верно составленные предложения в Present Continuous.
(1) Is your working day beginning now?
(2) Is he guessing?
(3) Are we sitting in the room?
(4) Are you wanting to buy this black BMV?
(5) Is she eating her breakfast?
Составьте вопросительное предложение в Future Continuous, поставив глагол в правильную форму.

to play / the boys of / at the / tomorrow / our team / morning

(1) Are the boys of our team be playing tomorrow morning?
(2) Do the boys of our team playing tomorrow morning?
(3) Will the boys of our team be play tomorrow morning?
(4) Will the boys of our team be playing tomorrow morning?
Составьте предложение, вставив соответствующие формы глагола в Present Simple (используйте краткую форму глагола, где нужно).

Sarah … to the cinema a lot, but she … to the theatre. (to go)

(1) Sarah go to the cinema a lot, but she doesn’t go to the theatre
(2) Sarah goes to the cinema a lot, but she don’t go to the theatre
(3) Sarah goes to the cinema a lot, but she doesn’t go to the theatre
(4) Sarah go to the cinema a lot, but she don’t go to the theatre
Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в правильной форме Past Simple.

Yes, we ___ (read) these new American magazines but we ___ (not like) them.

(1) Yes, we readed these new American magazines but we didn’t like them
(2) Yes, we read these new American magazines but we didn’t like them
(3) Yes, we reads these new American magazines but we didn’t like them
(4) Yes, we were reading these new American magazines but we didn’t like them
Впишите через запятую последовательно формы глагола, соответствующие пропускам в нижеприведенном предложении с учетом порядка следования.

We ___ (read) these new American magazines but we ___ (like) them. (в ответе используйте сокращенную форму)

(1) read, doesn’t like
(2) read, not like
(3) reads, didn’t like
(4) read, didn’t like
Составьте предложение в Past Continuous из представленного ниже списка слов. Определите лишнее слово и отметьте его в списке.
(1) was
(2) coffee
(3) in a day
(4) Elizabeth
Прочитайте предложения. Раскройте скобки. Отметьте только те предложения, в которых вы поставите смысловой глагол во II форму.
(1) My brother (come) home late yesterday
(2) Her mother (not go) to the cinema last weekend
(3) you (write) letters to your friend last month?
(4) I (listen) to the music at the lesson
(5) He (cook) dinner for her family 2 days ago
Отметьте верные предложения в Future Simple
(1) Won’t you find your present under the New Year tree?
(2) Won’t we stay at this hotel?
(3) Will you me marry?
(4) I won’t wrote 3 letters while you will be on holiday
(5) Won’t this show start in half an hour?
Прочитайте предложения. Выберите вариант ответа с правильным перечислением глаголов, для заполнения пропусков с учетом порядка следования.

… all the family … at home on Sunday?

What … they … at home or in the yard?

Who … … after dinner?

(1) will, be, will, do, will, come
(2) will be, – , will do, – , will come, -
(3) – , will be, – , will do, – , will come
(4) will not, be, will, not do, won’t, come
(5) won’t be, – , won’t do, – , won’t come, –
Составьте вопросительное предложение в Future Continuous, поставив глагол в правильную форму.

tomorrow / John / to / to fly / at this time / in Kenia / to Kenia

(1) Will John is flying to Kenia tomorrow at this time?
(2) Were John be flying to Kenia tomorrow at this time?
(3) Will John be flying to Kenia tomorrow at this time?
(4) Be John flying to Kenia tomorrow at this time?
Верно ли составлено данное предложение?

I like bananas but he like apples.

(1) да
(2) нет
Верно ли составлено утвердительное предложение?

For breakfast, she had two eggs, a sandwich and a cup of tea.

(1) да
(2) нет
Выберите вопросы с правильной формулировкой, на которые можно ответить: No, he doesn’t.
(1) Does he drink Cola?
(2) Is he big?
(3) Does he go to the shop?
(4) Does he in New York?
(5) Does she cook every evening?
Сопоставьте левую и правую части предложения в Present Continuous.
(1) I …
(2) He …
(3) We …
Отметьте верно составленные предложения в Present Continuous.
(1) Is your working day beginning now?
(2) Is he guessing?
(3) Are we sitting in the room?
(4) Are you wanting to buy this black BMV?
(5) Is she eating her breakfast?
Выберите вопросы с правильной формулировкой, на которые можно ответить: No, he won’t.
(1) Will he leave home at seven?
(2) Will he wrote the letter?
(3) Will he came home at nine?
(4) Will he take a bus to the institute?
(5) Will he have breakfast at eight o’clock?
Составьте вопросительное предложение в Future Continuous, поставив глагол в правильную форму.

uncle / to stay / my / in this weekend / this weekend / with us

(1) Will my uncle be staying with us this weekend?
(2) Is my uncle staying with us this weekend?
(3) Does my uncle stay with us this weekend?
(4) Will my uncle stay with us this weekend?
Отметьте верные предложения в Past Continuous.
(1) Were you talking with her?
(2) Was he speaking French?
(3) Were you walk it the streets?
(4) Were you TV watch?
(5) Were you play any games?
(6) Was she singing a song?
Установите правильное соответствие между двумя списками:
(1) We can’t meet you at …
(2) My mother won’t be answering …
(3) He won’t be booking …
(4) They won’t be …
Раскройте скобки, употребив правильную форму глагола. Впишите получившееся предложение в поле ввода. (используйте краткие формы глагола)

Sarah … meat a lot, but she … fish. (to cook)

(1) Sarah cook meat a lot, but she don’t cook fish.
(2) Sarah cooks meat a lot, but she don’t cook fish.
(3) Sarah cook meat a lot, but she doesn’t cook fish.
(4) Sarah cooks meat a lot, but she doesn’t cook fish.
Преобразуйте предложение в вопросительное в Present Continuous, предварительно раскрыв скобки.

you (to sit) on a bench in the park and (to feed) birds

(1) Is you sitting on a bench in the park and feeding birds?
(2) Are you sit on a bench in the park and feeding birds?
(3) Are you be sitting on a bench in the park and feeding birds?
(4) Are you sitting on a bench in the park and feeding birds?
Отметьте последовательно соответствующие формы глагола, соответствующие пропускам в нижеприведенном предложении с учетом порядка следования.

___ you c___ to my place next Sunday? What ___ you d___ tomorrow? Where ___ you g___ next summer? (come, do, go)

(1) will, come, will do, will, go
(2) will, come, do, go
(3) will, come, do, will, go
(4) come, will do, will, go
Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в правильной форме (Past Continuous).

We (not to read) these new magazines at this time yesterday, but we (to watch) the new film.

(1) We aren't reading these new magazines at this time yesterday, but we were watching the new film
(2) We didn't reading these new magazines at this time yesterday, but we were watching the new film
(3) We weren’t reading these new magazines at this time yesterday, but we were watching the new film
(4) We weren’t read these new magazines at this time yesterday, but we were watching the new film
Отметьте слова, не вошедшие в вопросительно-отрицательное предложение в Future Continuous, представленное ниже.

___ you ___ for this company this time next year?

(1) won’t
(2) be
(3) working
(4) work
(5) not
Прочитайте предложения. Выберите вариант ответа с перечислением правильных глаголов, для заполнения пропусков с учетом порядка следования.

___ you ___ home at the beginning of December? ___ your brother ___ a letter to his friend in America? ___ we ___ our exam next week?

(1) won’t, go, won’t, write, won’t, pass
(2) won't, goes, won't, write, won't, pass
(3) won’t, go, write, won’t, won’t, pass
(4) won’t, go, won’t, write, pass, won’t
(5) won’t, write, won’t, pass, won’t, go
Образуйте предложение в Present Continuous из списка представленных ниже слов. Отметьте слова, которые не вошли в предложение.
(1) your
(2) French
(3) sister
(4) that
(5) talking
(6) talk
(7) aren’t
(8) isn’t
(9) with
(10) man
Сформулируйте вопросительно-отрицательное предложение в Past Continuous

you (not watch) TV at 11 o’clock last night

(1) Aren’t you watching TV at 11 o’clock last night?
(2) Weren’t you watching TV at 11 o’clock last night?
(3) Wasn’t you watching TV at 11 o’clock last night?
(4) Weren’t you watch TV at 11 o’clock last night?
Образуйте предложение в Past Continuous из списка представленных ниже слов. Отметьте слова, которые не вошли в предложение.
(1) weren’t
(2) they
(3) practicing
(4) the
(5) on
(6) new
(7) a
(8) school
(9) next week
(10) game
(11) after